What is market research?
Market research is a document which, as its name suggests, enables us to study a market.
It involves two stages:
- data collection
- data analysis
Market research is generally carried out to test and verify the potential of a business project.
Why conduct a quantitative study of a project ?
When should a quantitative study be carried out?
There are several types of quantitative studies.
For example :
- Descriptive studies : to highlight potential relationships between several variables, or to identify time variations.
- Analytical studies : to understand the causes of phenomena, such as an association between exposure and disease.
- Evaluative studies : to assess a phenomenon.
The main advantage of this type of study is that it is easier to use than others. It also has the advantage of collecting data from a large sample.
It is recommended for academic researchers and project managers.
Marketing is one of the fields in which quantitative research is most widely used. It can be used to find out what the market thinks. Thanks to the various feedbacks obtained from the study, it thus becomes possible to take effective marketing strategies with the aim of achieving specific objectives.
When should you carry out market research ?
Market research should be carried out at all stages of a company's development.
Generally speaking, your market research should answer a few key questions.
Is there a sufficient market for your product or service?
Who is your offer aimed at?
Who are your competitors in your target market?
What market share could your company achieve?
This data-gathering process will enable you to analyze important information that will then enable you to proceed with the development of your marketing plan and the definition of your marketing strategies.
Other questions requiring clarification
What is qualitative research?
What are the differences between a market study and business plan ?